PipeIP Wholesale

Our wholesale IP products are split in to two options: Flat Rate and Gigabyte.

Flat Rate is not usage based. The service comes at a fixed price directly related to your chosen connection speed. Flat Rate is tailored to be delivered within our own Approved Data Centre facilities and, as such, does not include an Ethernet access tail or access to PipeCloud.

An added bonus of PipeIP Flat Rate is that customers have the ability to change the speed of their service directly via the Pipe Customer Portal without having to engage a Pipe Engineer or Account Manager. This puts the power of changing your service at your fingertips and complete control.

Gigabyte is exactly the same product as Flat Rate. Where it differs is by offering a variable monthly cost component based on your planned usage. There are a number of base plans ranging from 100 GB to 1000 GB of included data. Excess data is billed monthly. Please contact your Account Manager for more information.